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Michigan Made 7v7 Football Commitment Letter

Congratulations on making a 2024-2025 travel team in our Michigan Made Family of Sports!


Michigan Made Advanced Athletics L.L.C. (MMAA) is dedicated to overall athletic and personal enhancement for boys and girls across all sport platforms. This is accomplished through athletic training, coaching, camps, mentorship programs, leadership development, travel basketball and travel 7v7 football organizations, developmental youth leagues, special events and more. Michigan Made Advance Athletics L.L.C. and each of its functions are facilitated by experienced professionals in their related fields who are passionate for the youth and our communities.


Michigan Made Advanced Athletics’ mission is to provide a positive learning environment for all athletes and coaches, and we welcome you!


Team Resource Links:

Shop Michigan Made Team Apparel

Sample 7v7 Football Invoice

Michigan Made Payment Portal

Michigan Made Sponsorship Brochure

Michigan Made Staffing Agreement

Michigan Made Commitment Letter

Michigan Made Instagram

Michigan Made 7v7 Instagram

Michigan Made Facebook

Michigan Made 7v7 Facebook


All parents shall read the entire commitment letter before accepting the roster position. After reading the document, if you believe there will be an issue with attendance, commitment or our standard, we ask you to withdraw your player's name from consideration in order to give another player the opportunity to make the team. If you did not make a travel team, but you are electing to attend the speed and skill development program, please still complete the form below.


Communication from the Michigan Made administration will be begin via email and It is your responsibility to ensure you regularly check the email you'll provide us for communication regarding your team.


I hereby agree to commit to the program requirements stated below:


I. Uphold the Standard


The Michigan Made Standard is the idea that raising the bar of expectations each day is a necessity both mentally and physically for yourselves and for the team of others around you. At Michigan Made, we are passionate about creating elite athletes, but more importantly helping create ELITE HUMANS. We expect anyone involved in our program to represent us with integrity and respect. Michigan Made was created to raise the bar in player’s skill, well-being, mental and physical development. This means exuding coaching excellence, practice session efficiency, sportsmanship, and the abilities to communicate, adapt and lead. The desire to improve in all areas of life and lead with positivity and character, is the Michigan Made Standard.


II. Conduct


a. Anyone associated with Michigan Made will conduct themselves in a manner that is appropriate at all times. Players may be removed from a team if that player or parent(s) demonstrate detrimental behavior towards the coaching staff, event staff, kids, officials, teammates, etc.


b. Any Michigan Made member that demonstrates behavior that is detrimental to this program may be removed from the game and/or program. Any Michigan Made member that demonstrates poor judgement inside or outside of sports, is held to the same standard and may be removed from the program.


c. Detrimental or unsportsmanlike-like behavior is defined as physical and/or verbal abuse towards any participant, staff member, coach, player, or the likewise, public or private, at any time. It is also any action that negatively impacts team/organization integrity.


d. Parents are strongly encouraged to address any questions or concerns directly with the coach at appropriate times. Please refrain from handling issues before, during or immediately after a game. We maintain a 24 hour rule for game or playtime complaint. We also ask that issues are NOT displayed on social media. Improper handling of issues can be detrimental to a player, team and organization and are also grounds for dismissal.


III. Player, Spectator and Coach Code of Ethics


- I will remember that this organization places the emotional and physical wellbeing of the players ahead of the personal desire to win.

- I will treat each player as an individual, remembering the large range of emotional and physical differences.

- I will take reasonable measure to honor all program commitments and promptly communicate any conflicts.

- I will lead by example demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship with the players, coaches, officials, parents and staff.

- I will remember that this is youth sports and that the games are for the children and not for the adults.

Coaches will do their best to organize practices and game plans that are fun and develop all players.

- Coaches will be knowledgeable in the rules and teach these rules to the players.

- Coaches will ensure a safe practice and playing situation for the players, providing an environment that is free of drugs and alcohol.

- Unsportsman-like play, behavior or language from coaches, parents or players will NOT be tolerated and will result in removal from the contest. It is at the discretion of MMAA and it's staff if instances of unsportsman-like behavior also lead to removal from the venue or the organization entirely, without refund.


IV. Attendance


a. Michigan Made's travel teams are competitive sports programs requiring participation of its players at practices, games, tournaments and special functions. If a player misses practices, games or tournaments without prior notification to the coach, or is regularly absent/tardy it may result in the player being dismissed from the team.


b. Emergency situations and/or limited prearranged absences are understandable and unavoidable. Please make every effort to notify your child's coach in advance.


IIV. Playing time


a. Michigan Made's travel programs are highly competitive and equal playing time is NOT guaranteed. Playing time is earned. No player is promised playing time. It's the coaches discretion to play the players most capable of helping the team succeed and win.


b. There are different levels of competitive travel teams within Michigan Made. Please discuss with your coach about the level of team your child is committing to and the expectations of player development. Some teams will have more flexibility in rotating players for positional development and some teams will play the best players in each spot. It is your responsibility to ensure your player is on the team that best suits your child.


c. Our coaches have the right to limit a player's playing time due to lack of performance or commitment to the team, which could include but not limited to missing practices, games, late arrivals or due to unsportsmanlike conduct.


IIIV. Fees


a. Player dues for the Winter 2024-2025 season will be $650 for 7v7 Football athletes. This Sample 7v7 Football Invoice is a breakdown of what you pay for the following:

1. 4 Weeks of regular season league play at solidified venues around the state.

2. Secure indoor practice locations during the designated season.

3. Full team uniform top and bottom (additional items may vary by sport and season).

4. Secondary insurance coverage.

5. Hudl Account access to player film throughout the season.


b. At the time of commitment, players will have the option to take advantage of Speed School classes offered by Michigan Made owner and former pro, Vince Agnew. Other optional benefits and educational opportunities will be announced at a later date. Discounted with your season participation is:

1. Speed School Classes by Vince Agnew: Thursdays (5:00-6:30P @ THE FACTORY), January 2, 9, 16 and 23. Cost: $50




d. Upon commitment, further payments will be able to be made online electronically or they can be made via check or money order at The Michigan Made Factory.


e. All payments must be paid in full. Michigan Made must order custom jerseys and equipment and any player not paid, will not be ordered. Please make sure all financial obligations are met to avoid a delay in uniform delivery. If any issues arise please contact us.


f. Youth 7v7 Football Fee Schedule:

Payment 1: $300 deposit is due at the submission of your commitment online.

Payment 2: $200 Due by December 1.

Payment 3: $150 Due by January 1.


g. High School 7v7 Football Fee Schedule:

Payment 1: $300 deposit is due at the submission of your commitment online.

Payment 2: $200 Due by January 1.

Payment 3: $150 Due by February 1.


*You will have the option at the time of commitment to make a deposit or pay in full. Remaining payments after your deposit, must be made at our secure payment portal with your player's name and team in the Notes section here: Michigan Made Payment Portal


g. Parents should understand that there may be additional costs involved with travel sports that may include (but not limited to) equipment, travel, hotels, etc.


IX. Fundraising & Volunteerism


a. Michigan Made generates its funding through player registration fees, sponsors, and fundraisers. Supporters of all players are encouraged to support Michigan Made. You can support our athletes and back our mission here: Michigan Made Sponsorship Brochure


b. All Youth 7v7 players will be required to participate in the annual Grub Grab. This individual fundraising event is in order to offset our modest player/team fees, along with providing any additional team parties, professional lessons, additional tournaments etc., without having to pass the financial burden on to you. Each player will be required to sell 4 Grub Grab tickets prior to uniform distribution and tickets are $25 each. These funds will be used at the discretion of the organizers and head coaches, and are for team use only. Grub Grab tickets can be sold/purchased here: Michigan Made Grub Grab


c. The Blast Application allows you to shop Michigan Made apparel with door-to-door shipping in around 2 weeks. Proceeds from the blast apparel shop go back to the Michigan Made Scholar Athlete Fund. Shop Michigan Made now on Blast. Shop Michigan Made Team Apparel


d. Michigan Made is partnered with Swagnew Foundation, a 501(c)(3) public charity dedicated toward making a difference in the community by positively impacting sports and the lives of youth. We run an annual golf outing in June, including the raffle of several large donated raffle items. Every family in the program will have an opportunity to attend or work the event organized by Swagnew Foundation and funds raised will directly impact your teammates and other children who otherwise may not be able to participate on competitive platforms. You can read more and make tax deductible donations/gifts to the Swagnew Foundation here.


X. Communication


a. Michigan Made will primarily use E-mail and phone numbers for team communication, scheduling and more.


b. We have various social media platforms that you can follow, tag and share content with. Tag us in your posts as we work to share the voices and stories of our area athletes. Michigan Made InstagramMichigan Made 7v7 Football Instagram, Michigan Made Facebook, Michigan Made 7v7 Football Facebook.


XI. Coaching Commitment


Coaches must submit the signed form at the redirect link here: Michigan Made Staffing Agreement


XII. Player Commitment


By submitting the signed form below, I have confirmed that the player named has committed to play with the Michigan Made family of sports for the 2024-25 season. My athlete is allowed to play for other organizations during the 2024-25 season but it will not interfere with my commitment to the Michigan Made organization. We have read and understand this entire Letter of Commitment and agree to abide by it. I understand that there are no other alternative forms of commitment or deposit available, other than completing the form provided here.

Make Your Commitment


Select an item ($)

Your Commitment has been submitted

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